How It Works

We have a series of online modules built to teach you the ins and outs of enjoying the trails before even stepping foot on one

Our Goal

By working with us, you gain experience before even hitting the trail; we provide practical and in person knowledge that you can utilize to fully understand what needs to happen, and we provide the greater context necessary to make good decisions both in your prep and out on the trail. Instead of fumbling with free online blogs that tell you that you need a pack that fits, we can teach you specifically how to fit your pack, what straps to pull, and we’ll be there with you on the trail to help make on the fly adjustments when the cell service gets lost or a strap breaks.

That’s where we come in. We explain the specifics as to why those guides say what they do, we provide a safe environment to test out some of their statements, and we provide the knowledge base so that you can make informed decisions on your own - before you hit the trail.


“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

— John Muir, Our National Parks, Vol 1, page 56


You can’t learn these skills from a book


Much like swimming, knowing conceptually how all these skills work is very different than putting them into practice. B3A provides two very specific learning needs that you won’t get from an online guide.

Practical And In Person

Understanding how a pack is supposed to fit is great. But until you’ve worn one on the trail, it can be incredibly difficult to know what’s right for you. Our full trek puts you on the trail with an expert, learning these skills the way they are meant to be taught - in person. Not only do you have time to learn, but you have the extra benefit of having somebody who can catch any mistakes and help you through them. We also provide a practical setting, that puts your new skills to the test.


By signing up for specific legs of your journey, or the full trek, we provide a context to all of your decisions - both on the trail, and off. We will explain how your gear choices will interact, and help you predict the effects those choices will have twenty miles in. We also provide a greater context for your trip. Our training provides an appreciation for how your outdoor experience fits into the functioning of the overall ecosystem.


Legs of Your Journey

Our methodology is set up in several ‘legs’ that allow us to break off the massive amount off information into smaller chunks. Each leg is about an hour long, on average, and is condensed down to the most useful information. We can impart this online, on a day hike, or even on the trail of your first trip if you’d like!


Whatever your preference, we can tailor the courses to your needs!